See a story evolve from the beginning stages, to a full blown story.


I hope you enjoy your visit to my writing blog! Please keep mind a few points however:
1: These posts are still drafts, but the older they are the more likely they are to have been edited to be more professional.
2: I have a life, so I'll have active stretches and inactive stretches. Just hang in there and keep poking me.
3: The posts are in the order they are posted, so you can either go through the archive, or start at the bottom of the page.
4: All posts should be in this format:
Heading--Chapter _(# of chapter)-_(# post in that chapter)

Body-- the actual story- the further since it says I posted, the better it should be.

Enjoy your self!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Chapter 2-1

Chapter 2 – 6 years ago, in another castle

The instant that life left Chard two more lives entered the world. Kyle and Jaina, twins and children of Chard were born seconds apart, one just before and the other just after Chard died. They were the only children born that day.

In the medical facility of the castle Grange, Elizabeth Gray sat in her bed, holding one twin in either arm. She was still shocked from giving birth to not one child, but two! She couldn't wait to see the look on Chard's face when he heard the news. She had no idea that Chard would never know.

Next to the bed was a nurse in a white uniform. “They should stop making so much noise outside. They know you need to rest. Goodness knows, twins! I only wonder...” she trailed off, thinking about the prophecy that she had been informed about.

“You only wonder what?” asked Elizabeth, who Chard had neglected to tell her the importance of her child.

“Nothing. I'm only wondering what is making them be so loud outside.” She turned around as the doors to the medical facility opened and moved toward them. “I told you not to allow anyone in, Miss Elizabeth needs her rest.”

Standing in the doorway were two black clad raiders, both holding crossbows. The one raised his crossbow and fired, hitting the nurse.

She gave a little squeak and toppled over backwards, lifeless.

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