See a story evolve from the beginning stages, to a full blown story.


I hope you enjoy your visit to my writing blog! Please keep mind a few points however:
1: These posts are still drafts, but the older they are the more likely they are to have been edited to be more professional.
2: I have a life, so I'll have active stretches and inactive stretches. Just hang in there and keep poking me.
3: The posts are in the order they are posted, so you can either go through the archive, or start at the bottom of the page.
4: All posts should be in this format:
Heading--Chapter _(# of chapter)-_(# post in that chapter)

Body-- the actual story- the further since it says I posted, the better it should be.

Enjoy your self!

Monday, September 03, 2007

New story - Prolgue


Prophecies are meant to come true, right? Usually they are, and almost all of those that are supposed to come true do. However, there are a few that don't come true, or twist in a way that no one expects.
For example: in Gerotingstien there was a prophecy that said a son would be born on a particular day that would allow them to conquer the world. Unfortunately two babies were born that day. Also just as unfortunately was the fact that the village only had resources to raise one. They chose the boy and threw the girl away to die in the wilderness.
As the boy grew older the village kept looking for him to do extra special things. The thing they didn't realize was that they had chosen the wrong child. The prophecy didn't mention very clearly what sex the child would be. The village presumed it would be the boy. They threw away the real savior and by the time anyone realized their mistake they were too late.
Obviously that prophecy didn't come true, but it was only a wrong choice that made it not true. Sometimes the prophecies could mean two different people and it's the choices of other people that tell which person it applies to. And other times the prophecies are completely wrong.
And other times you can never tell till years afterward....

Okay, I've completely lost the last story, so don't ask me to continue it, because right now I can't. Enjoy!


jckwik said...

Please check the poll at the bottom of the page! (It will be moved soon to a more welcoming location).

wplmom said...

Keep on writing. (Maybe it fulfills a prophecy.)

Anonymous said...

you soo better keep on writing or you are going to get and angry email from me and you really dont want that!!!!

jckwik said...

No, I don't.