See a story evolve from the beginning stages, to a full blown story.


I hope you enjoy your visit to my writing blog! Please keep mind a few points however:
1: These posts are still drafts, but the older they are the more likely they are to have been edited to be more professional.
2: I have a life, so I'll have active stretches and inactive stretches. Just hang in there and keep poking me.
3: The posts are in the order they are posted, so you can either go through the archive, or start at the bottom of the page.
4: All posts should be in this format:
Heading--Chapter _(# of chapter)-_(# post in that chapter)

Body-- the actual story- the further since it says I posted, the better it should be.

Enjoy your self!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

First Book-- title coming soon

Okay, this will be a post to say what things will look like on almost all my posts--

Heading--Chapter _(# of chapter)-_(# post in that chapter)

Body-- the actual story- the further since it says I posted, the better it should be.

*Edits* I'll say when it was last edited, and how many times it's been edited total.

That's about it. A simple system, with good results.

Keep watching the other blog for updates when to look at this one!

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